The 9th transfer day at Aalen University took place on November 21, 2019 The title was: “Digital Transformation in a Smart Product World – Potential through innovative process and data management”.
Current research topics of the university as well as practical projects from different companies are presented. The transfer day, which is already taking place for the 9th time, represents an essential link between research and practice. The participants will gain exciting insights and impulses in the context of digitization.
For example, the Erwin Müller Group and Paul HARTMANN AG report on the requirements and opportunities of digitization. There are also articles on “Learning Robots in Order Commissioning”, the “360° View of Product Data”, “Learning Factory Industry 4.0” and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing and Sales.
A total of 17 lectures are planned, which will show the participants different perspectives and potentials.
The transfer day is organized by the KMU department of the Faculty of Economics at Aalen University in cooperation with SDZeCOM from Aalen and A+B Solutions from Schwäbisch Gmünd.